About geemaree

Gillian is a semiotician of movement and order. She currently works at UNSW as Convenor/Senior Lecturer of Media, Culture and Technology in the School Of English, Media and Performing Arts.

Gillian Fuller

Hi i’m gillian fuller.

I’ll introduce myself by way of my relationship with diagrams as a researcher.  I have a long and mainly joyous ( but nearly always vaguely dissatisfying relationship with diagrams). My undergraduate life was dominated by tree diagrams and network diagrams (linguistics), my PhD was an attempt to model logogenesis by producing topological maps. All of those diagrams were in a sense produced for engineers. The final outcome was to produce flexible diagramming systems that would assist an imagined programmer.  I loosened up in Aviopolis; a book about Airports (Fuller+Harley) 2005, BDP:London and started producing ‘radically empiricist’ ( at the time i was calling them ‘bogus taxonomies’) system networks and taxonomies for mobility systems.

I’ve been playing with surfaces in my diagrams lately ( which are still very synoptic and in many ways still unsatisfying) ). Here’s a diagram i was sketching on the weekend. Its a series of diagrams that show the genealogy of ‘directional runes’ based on flow architectures over time. ( in this case architectures of organised directionality). If this is a life, it is the life patience, captured and directionalised.  I have no idea what a right diagram is anymore- but i know i’m guided more by an aesthetical empiricism than a logical one now. happily lost and wandering.

more play with queues (GMF)