Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen

My recent interest is to be able to understand – and maybe make a diagramme – of new media interfaces in relation to haptic spaces and relations. My understanding of ‘new media’ includes the electronic signal and the way the feed-back noise and the real-time sensation of magnetic pulses, digital codings or foldings shape the relational spaces of ‘now’ created in the interfaces. The interface ‘spaces’ created since the 1960s might thus (with Michel Serres) be understood as mediators ‘in-between’ an outside and an inside sensation of the body (Anna Munster). In that sense ‘space’ in its ‘interfacial’ form might inspire to reflect on the ethymological meaning of space, namely ‘openness’ and ‘to contain’. In Danish we can both talk of a ‘timespace’ (et tidsrum), meaning a period or a duration of time; and about a ‘space of time’ (en rum tid), meaning time in the condition of space. In its latter meaning a haptic interface including the sensations of the body (as the center of the registration of affect – like Justines measuring instrument in Melancholia) might be an openness toward a diagramming of the “between-times, between-moments” that Deleuze writes on in “Immanence: a life”: “it doesn’t just come about or come after but offers the immensity of an empty time where one sees the event yet to come and already happened, in the absolute of an immediate consciousness.” Instead of my own diagramme   I will refer to the diagramming ambition of the website of Melancholia (this includes the instrument for ‘measuring the planet’ from the bodily-relative sensation of it: